
light codes

Tiffany Tin

Hi, I'm Tiffany! I am a High Priestess, Master Teacher with 8 years of experience teaching all things channelling, such as light codes, light language, channelling with guides, akashic information, energy healing and much more. I am the founder of the New Earth Alchemists Academy, and High Priestess Ascension Academy with 1200+ students from all over the world. I am a certified meditation, Kundalini and chakra facilitator, Reiki Master level teacher, certified completion process practitioner, Tao Divine Healing Hands Healer, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, Thai Yoga Massage therapist. I have 500k views and 15k+ subscribers on my youtube channel. I have been invited to teach in many well known events and podcasts such as Channeling Now, Wisdom from North, Soul Movement, Return of the Priestess, Woman Unleashed and much more.

Your Awakening: HONEST. MESSY. REAL

Ambujam Rose

Ambujam Rose is a beacon of light in the realm of Quantum Energy Healing, Awakening, and Self-Embodiment. With profound understanding of the Soul’s journey, she offers an unmatched mixture of accelerated healing and sparking inner knowing to quicken your awakening and ease your path of spiritual up-leveling. Her unique Group Power Healing® sessions leap you through thresholds of healing and awakening that would’ve normally you taken weeks, months, lifetimes. Ambujam works with original vibrational frequencies that underlie our existence, addressing imbalances at their core so you can be in harmonious alignment with your true authentic self. In a world where the quest for self-discovery is more relevant than ever, Ambujam is a testament to the true graceful power that awakens within all of us when we embark on the courageous sincere journey of self discovery and self empowerment.

initiate your divine blueprint

Laurie Wheeler

Laurie D. Wheeler is a Luminary futurist and a catalyst for self-mastery for 30 years. Her work carries a multidimensional healing vibration that ignites deep shifts in consciousness, expanded awareness and recognition of a persons true nature and soul's purpose. As a Starseed, receptor and translator of energy, Laurie works with several modalities of energy, Homeopathy, soul regression hypnotherapy, Rife therapy, medical intuition, spiritual mentoring, comprehensive energy scanning, speaker of Light Language and Galactic codes for DNA recalibration. Presently she works with a Quantum Biologist in the research of our biological and energetic structure in order to access, identify and heal DNA through Alchemical Transformation. She has authored the book Oh, No! Not Another Learning Experience – a metamorphosis and presently a compilation of meditations and activity book for children, tweens and teens. Laurie is an International speaker and owner of Spirit Adventure Tours, taking people on journeys to sacred places, such as Glastonbury, Southern France, Peru, Mexico, Hawaii and Egypt Her Soul is an aspect of a collective and multidimensional lineage, who offer her guidance and wisdom for her clients. She channels many InterDimensionals, Yeshua since she was 5 years of age, Mary Magdalene, Arcturian Commander Ashtar, Egyptian dieties and the Sphinx, Emissaries of Light, The Power of 12 Angelics and many ancient ancestors.

embodied ascension and freedom

Waxela Sananda

Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Galactic Shaman, Embodied Ascension Trainer, Conscious Life Mentor, Activator of Spiritual Gifts, bestselling author of The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine, and host of The Alchemy of Ascension Summit and Podcast. Combining celestial starseed consciousness and shamanism, Waxéla holds space for humanity to experience the embodiment of Divine Frequencies. She is a conscious light channel assisting in the activation of spiritual gifts and soul codes within her soul family. Her mission is to assist and support the Ascension of Earth and Humanity. Waxela is the USA distributor of the healing technology, ALKYWAN Photon Light Spheres Website: