
know yourself

Elayne Le Monde

Elayne's 13 NDE experiences have awakened her discovery of powerful Shamanic abilities; accessing mystical awareness as a psychochomp, as well as other intuitive gifts. Elayne is a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms, bringing in new keys and codes through divine attunements. Elayne has received over 2000 hours of specialized training in Neuro-Kinesiology and Brain Integration, as well as studied many relevant modalities. Elayne has worked as a practitioner for over 20 years. As a Family & Divorce Mediator, Elayne's focus is to assist individuals and couples to clear deep-seated intimacy issues, unlock the depth of embodiment: in order to manifest harmonious Divine Union.

awakening your christed essence

Phyllis Douglass

VOX ANGELUS is a divinely empowered Invocational Vocal Artist, and Celestial Conduit of transfiguring, deeply haunting and visceral, Cosmic Soundings; performed onstage and online worldwide. She is a visionary entrepreneur, #1 best selling Author, Speaker, Mediumistic Seer and Healer in sacred resonance. Working alongside Elohim, she receives, transcribes, and emanates the highest Heavenly Sound Signatures of sacred design and creation. Vox sings, speaks, writes, and transmits the frequency encoded language of Elohim—the Infinite Language of God’s Light—as sound, energy, and the etheric geometric constructs of sacred design and creation, that she then shifts to manifest change. Elohim refers to her as a “Transcendent Bridge” and divine vessel; capable of facilitating states of awareness and consciousness, above and beyond the range of normal or merely physical human experience. Her Vocal Transmissions are alchemical invocations that help you to unravel and release emotional strongholds, perceived challenges, energetic distortion and imbalance, and the internalized influences that are keeping you from moving forward in alignment with your Soul’s mission. Website:

the hue-man soul

Hillis Pugh

Hillis Pugh is an author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner utilizing the gifts and tools to empower others on their journey. The reason why he chooses to do this work is to guide others on their path to let them know they are not alone. Hillis mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees, beyond the physical realm. Hillis Pugh is an energy facilitator working with modalities such as Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul. We work together in universal sync of exploration of your inner-space to be expressed outwardly.

preparing women for 5d leadership

Suzanna Kennedy

Suzanna Kennedy is a visionary 5D Leadership Coach and Ascension Catalyst dedicated to empowering spiritually awakening professionals to align success with their soul's purpose. Through her transformative Reality Crafting 5.0 program, Suzanna guides high-achievers on a journey of inner discovery and purposeful leadership. A best-selling author, Suzanna's book "Sacred Union: Ascending To A 5D Paradise" blends spiritual wisdom with quantum physics, offering a roadmap for transcending limitations and manifesting a life of harmony, abundance, and impact. With expertise in corporate training and instructional technology, Suzanna brings a unique perspective to spiritual guidance and leadership mentoring. Her own multi-dimensional self-discovery journey led to developing powerful consciousness tools like the Sacred Union Reprogramming System for personal-professional transformation. As an Ascension Catalyst, Suzanna facilitates the spiritual awakening and evolution of leaders across industries. She helps clients break free from separation and scarcity, guiding them toward a 5D reality of unity, abundance, and purpose-driven impact. Through coaching, training, and community support, she empowers individuals to step into their authentic leadership potential. A sought-after speaker and thought leader, Suzanna's mission is co-creating a New Earth by activating a global network of empowered, spiritually aligned change-makers. Her influence propels conscious evolution through heart-centered, transformative leadership.