
the natural state of abundance

Nicki Hu

Nicki Hu is a multi-dimensional healer, channel, and spiritual mentor for New Earth Leaders. Nicki supports conscious leaders through healing, teaching, and activations to experience inner wholeness and spiritual self mastery so you can step into an illuminated life and live from a place that is truly authentic to you. Nicki works closely with the Seraphim Angels, Kuan Yin, the Galactic Council, and other Higher dimensional beings to support you in raising your vibration and alignment to your highest timeline, clearing away past, present, and ancestral karma, and activating your light DNA, spiritual gifts through your akashic records, and abilities for greater ease, flow, love, joy and abundance.

The Energetic Frequency of New World Wealth

Gabrielle Spencer

I am a gifted multi-dimensional channel and quantum frequency healer with a unique ability to connect with your Highest Self. My purpose is to assist you in clearing past, present, and future life issues while providing you with the universal knowledge, understanding, and activations necessary to propel you along your highest divine path. Working closely with Mother Mary and the Golden Beings of Light from the 12D Great Central Sun, I offer a new system for deep healing, raising your vibration, and achieving Divine Alignment. My focus is on helping you rapidly progress towards creating a fulfilling life, embracing your mission and purpose, and becoming a co-creator of your reality.


Addison Ames

Addison Ames is an internationally respected thought leader, life guide, and motivational coach. Addison blends intuitive, awakened insight with practical, real-world solutions. He shares deep knowledge and wisdom that helps people through life’s changes, challenges, and opportunities. Addison helps people improve life and understand themselves and the world around them in valuable ways. He also helps forward-thinking businesses and business leaders succeed by embracing innovative and enlightened ideas. Addison’s approach is rooted in empowerment, encouragement, and motivation. Working with Addison can be highly beneficial at any stage of personal growth and spiritual development, from self-help and healing to overcoming advanced and complex life situations.

step into your magnificent power - the true you

Kasey Wallis

At a very young age, Kasey began seeing and listening to "Angels, Guides, Masters" visit her in her room. As well as getting intuitive hits of information when she was a child in regards to what was coming in life and also being able to provide information for family members as well. Kasey began Channeling after her fathers passing to her mother and brother. Giving them insight and information from him. This continued on, and with the passing of a couple more dear friends and family members, Kasey was truly coming into her Channeling and Mediumship gifts. In 2008 the process began to unfold. Julius began to come thru in such powerful ways. Kasey began to share her Channeling talents to live audiences, television programming, tele-summits, and online courses and classes. Kasey has come to realize what a powerful connection and relationship she has with Julius. They have arrived once again in this timeline to assist her on her Ascension process and also of course to assist you on yours.